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Stella Jang (스텔라장)

Some Days

Stella Jang - Some Days (2022 Small Theater Concert “Some Days”)

[Archive] 2021 10/19 Have A Nice Day Festival rehearsal

어제 차이고 (Dumped Yesterday)
환승입니다 (Transfer)
어떤 날들 (Some Days)
L’Amour, Les Baguettes, Paris
빌런 (Villain)
월급은 통장을 스칠 뿐 (Vanishing Paycheck)
집에 가자 (Let’s Go Home)

아임버스커 (I’m Busker) 2021

Stella Jang performed on the second day of the 2021 “I’m Busker” event organized by the Yongin Cultural Foundation.

어떤 날들 (Some Days)
아이고 (I Go)
알콜맨 (Alcoholman)
빌런 (Villain)
월급은 통장을 스칠 뿐 (Vanishing Paycheck)
집에 가자 (Let’s Go Home)

[Official MV] 스텔라장(Stella Jang) - 어떤 날들(Some Days)(ENG sub)

Thank you for the beautiful music and MV!

Hope today was a pretty good day for you :)

어떤 날들 (Some Days) live at home (ENG sub)

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