Stella Jang - Villain [MBC Radio]

어제 차이고 (Dumped Yesterday)
환승입니다 (Transfer)
어떤 날들 (Some Days)
L’Amour, Les Baguettes, Paris
빌런 (Villain)
월급은 통장을 스칠 뿐 (Vanishing Paycheck)
집에 가자 (Let’s Go Home)
Stella Jang was on stage at LIVE. ON earlier today.
빌런 (Villain)
Walking Down The Road
L’Amour, Les Baguettes, Paris
어떤 날들 (Some Days)
집에 가자 (Let’s Go Home)
Stella Jang was at the Connect U Music Festival, which took place at the Chungnam Music Creation Center.
A beautiful live performance which received a very good reception from the audience!
L’Amour, Les Baguettes, Paris
아이고 (I Go)
알콜맨 (Alcoholman)
빌런 (Villain)
월급은 통장을 스칠 뿐 (Vanishing Paycheck)
집에 가자 (Let’s Go Home)
Stella Jang performed on the second day of the 2021 “I’m Busker” event organized by the Yongin Cultural Foundation.
어떤 날들 (Some Days)
아이고 (I Go)
알콜맨 (Alcoholman)
빌런 (Villain)
월급은 통장을 스칠 뿐 (Vanishing Paycheck)
집에 가자 (Let’s Go Home)
Stella Jang was at the 2021 Suncheon Food & Art Festival earlier today.
Looks like it is already quite cold in Korea.
빌런 (Villain)
월급은 통장을 스칠 뿐 (Vanishing Paycheck)
L’Amour, Les Baguettes, Paris
집에 가자 (Let’s Go Home)
Blue Turns Pink
Colors, 빌런 (Villain)
[g.o.d Cover] 촛불하나 (One Candle)
With English subtitles!
14.4M views and counting!
23.6M if you add the 9.2M from GRDL’s channel.